Below you will find articles, videos and downloads from our expert contributors. These are just a fraction of what can be found inside the Network.

Feel like you don’t have enough time?
Don’t have enough time or constantly feeling behind?

Cutting out the Noise for Deep Work: Tips for S&C Coaches
Cutting out the Noise for Deep Work: Tips for S&C Coaches

Should You Use The Olympic Lifts With Your Athletes: Pros and Cons?
Should You Use The Olympic Lifts With Your Athletes: Pros and Cons?

Maximising S&C Training with Minimal Equipment
In this blog, I will provide you with my top 4 tips on how to maximise the performance of your athletes when dealing with limited time, facilities, and equipment.

The World Cup: Back To Basics…
‘Muscle strengthening in individuals with CP is a general treatment intervention to increase strength and function. [9] Individuals with CP need consistent upper extremity training because CP can lead to muscle contractures and functional disturbance. [10] ’

ISCN x VALD announce partnership
“VALD is proud to partner with the Irish Strength and Conditioning Network and play our part in advancing the cause of strength and conditioning professionals across Ireland,” VALD’s Chief Executive Officer Laurie Malone said.

Lessons learned from building an LTAD pathway in a school setting
‘As S&C coaches we often think of ourselves as a one-man army, but it is integral to get the key stakeholders in your organisation on board with the vision you have for athletic development. Not only will this improve the quality of your programme, but it will also make your job 10 times easier! ’

Basketball Sports Performance: The Role of Strength & Conditioning
‘In this blog you will read about the primary energy systems involved in basketball, the type of strength involved in basketball and a sample injury prevention protocol’

Micro-Dosing Speed to Achieve Macro-Sized Gains
‘It is important to note that the athletes are at training to play the game. That is what they enjoy the most and is the reason they play GAA. So, if you can excel at implementing this stage of the process into training, it is likely that you’ll facilitate a great deal of buy-in from your players’

Career Periodisation in Practice
‘Firstly, I hope this article gives you some ideas on how you can structure your own career periodization. Secondly, I hope it gives you some confidence. Like many industries, strength and conditioning can be a difficult place to forge a career path, however the opportunities are endless. Look after yourself and nourish your growth mindset, put some plans in place, and enjoy the process.’

The UKSCA Accreditation: Will it develop you as a practitioner? – A reflective piece
‘Essential – UKSCA Accreditation or must be able to complete in the next 6 months’ is a line we so often see on S&C job adverts in the United Kingdom. This was the same line printed on my contract at the new role I was starting, and ultimately what lead me on my journey to becoming an accredited S&C coach.

Player Considerations for the GAA Off-Season
“Questions worth asking at this point of year:
What area of your game, physical, technical or tactical, is currently holding you back?
What are your main weaknesses that if you could address, would make you much better player? “

A Multidisciplinary approach to a successful return to training post injury in academy football
A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Successful Return to Training Post-Injury in Academy Football