Irish S&C Network

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Top Tips: Gym Environment

I thought it may be beneficial for coaches to see some of my key learnings over the past few years in the gym setting, so here they are!

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  1. Don’t complicate it - Focus on the elephants in the room and progress gradually from the big issues down to the smaller.

  2. Let the athletes pick the music - It’s an easy win to create a good buzz in the gym before the session even starts. Yes, you may want to put on your Spotify 90’s playlist but who is the music for? - Think about it.

  3. If you are struggling for time use supersets as a means of getting more bang for your buck. My personal favourite is super-setting corrective exercise with the main lifts of the session e.g. Back Squat with Wall angels.

  4. Let them foam roll even if you don’t agree - Let your ego at the door and allow your athletes perform it if it makes them feel good. The only reason why this is in here is due to me witnessing coaches in the past not letting their athletes foam roll due to “lack of evidence”. If they feel better and allows them to have a more productive lift leave them at it!

  5. I have mentioned this in a previous post but the use of a wooden dowel is a fantastic tool for cueing in particular if working on lower body based movements.

  6. Teach them gym etiquette - This should be done as early as possible as it helps both them and you in the long run. This goes from how to safely take the weight off the bar and how to spot to putting weights back when you are finished.

  7. This is more of a pet peeve of mine but be sure everyone is on the same page in regards on how to calculate the total weight lifted. Does this include or exclude the weight of the bar? - Up to you which way you prefer it but ensure all your athletes are doing the same!

Hope you enjoy and talk soon!


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